About AfriArt Space

African Art For Social Change.

AfriArt Space is an initiative of the Afrikins Foundation created to house and promote African artists, African art, African history and  African culture for social change.

 Our Vision 

Our dream is to create, foster and connect a vibrant community of diverse African artists and collectors increasing opportunity for talent development; exposure and wealth creation through the medium of Art.

 Our Mission 

• Facilitating financial sustainability for emerging and existing African artists 
• Supporting emerging African artists through the creation of art spaces and platforms, enabling skills development opportunities whilst brokering and expanding potential markets for their work.
• Fostering and advocating for an appreciation for African art through increasing access to Africa’s unique talent pool by curating and exhibiting the work of African artists in robust and innovative technology solutions.

 What Makes Us Different? 

We are different because we are using art as a medium for socio-economic change and awareness drive for and to grow the African continent.